Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ugg (the feeling not the boot)

One of the worst feelings in the world. Is the feeling of nothingness. Especially when a kiss feels like nothing. The other night, I kissed a guy who I have been on and off talking to for about 7 years. But we never made it serious or exclusive. We have kissed before, but this time I realized that he meant absolutely nothing to me. There were no sparks. No passion. No shivers up my spine. And I could not stop thinking. Now I am, no Aphrodite, but I do not think that anyone should be be thinking while they are kissing. All, I could think about was why am I even here. So, I stopped called a cab and left.
What happened to passion? The last time I had a real, make my knees weak, firecrackers bursting in the air and each kiss made me breathless was with my heartbreaker, who I shall rename John Tucker. Every other kiss that I have had after him have been meaningless. And what happened to just making out and being satisfied by waiting for more. I am horrified to even kiss someone because I feel that they are just going to think its the first step to fucking. And its not.

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